A Development Permit is required for any accessory building larger than 20m2 (sheds and garages). An Accessory Structure Development Permit is also required for any decks that require a variance to the Land Use Bylaw.
Fees and Timelines: The fee for a development permit for a residential accessory building or a deck is $75.00. There is an additional fee of $400.00 if a variance to the Land Use Bylaw is required
Submission Information: Check the front page of the application form for submission requirements. Applications may be submitted electronically to devpermits@cityofgp.com. Or you can bring your application to our front desk at 9505 - 112 Street, Monday to Friday from 8:30 - 4:30
Questions: We can be contacted at 780-538-0325 or devpermits@cityofgp.com.
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