Combined File Search Request

Combined File Search Request

Request for a file search for records with both Development Permitting and Inspection Services.

This is the form to use when requesting a search for your Real Property Report (RPR) to apply for Municipal Compliance.

Completing a file search prior to purchasing a property can be a benefit to the purchaser. It provides an opportunity to verify if permits were issued for home improvements that may have been completed.

Fees and timelines:  There are fees for both a Development Permitting file search and/or for an Inspection Services file search.  There is an additional document fee to provide copies of the documents found.  File searches are usually processed within a few days, but timelines can increase if it is a large file.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we complete these updates.

Submission Information:  Please submit completed form via e-mail to or attend our front desk at 9505 - 112 Street.  Open 8:30 - 4:30, Monday to Friday

Questions:  Please contact Development Permitting (780-538-0325) or Inspection Services. (780-538-0421)

Also Known As:  General file search, Development file search, Inspection file search, RPR file search

Department: Inspection Services
Category: Property, Tax and Assessment