The Notice of Appeal must be received by the Appeal Clerk within the timeframes set out in the Municipal Government Act or other relevant statutes, or the applicable bylaw or policy. If no timeframe is set out, the Notice of Appeal must be received by the Appeal Clerk within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date the notice or written decision from the applicable authority.
The final date of appeal will be noted on your order, notice or decision. Appeal filing deadlines may vary, so ensure you check your order, notice or decision carefully. If you have any questions about the timelines or requirements for filing an appeal, contact appeals@cityofgp.com.
Your Notice of Appeal must be accompanied by a $100.00 (plus GST) appeal filing fee.
The Notice of Appeal will not be deemed complete until the fee is paid. Both the fee and Notice of Appeal must be submitted before the deadline to request the appeal.
Please see cityofgp.com/appeals for payment options and more information.
Submission Information
To file an appeal, please fill out and submit the Notice of Appeal webform. You have the opportunity to provide additional information or evidence in your written Notice of Appeal, or at a later date determined by the appeal clerk when scheduling the hearing. Please see cityofgp.com/appeals for more information.
If you require further information regarding appeal deadlines and procedures, please check the website at cityofgp.com/appeals or contact the General Appeal Board Clerk at 780-357-4954 or appeals@cityofgp.com.