The Grande Prairie RCMP offer a number of programs designed to facilitate proactive crime prevention, maintain open communication between the public and the RCMP, and create a sense of safety and well-being in all Grande Prairie communities. Listed below are a number of these programs.
For more information on any of these topics, please contact Community Engagement & Diversity Unit at (780)830-5719.
Camp Little Buffalo is an annual five-day summer leadership camp for youth. It provides programs and activities designed to improve team-building, problem-solving, and personal development.
Camp Little Buffalo was established in 1996 by the Grande Prairie RCMP with assistance from Catholic Family Services, PACE and various supporting agencies.
The aim of Camp Little Buffalo is to develop self-esteem, assertiveness, communication, decision-making, consequence realization, goal-setting and problem-solving in the youth that have been identified in the former Peace Country Health Region as being at risk.
Requirements for Camp Little Buffalo
Youths must be referred by either a community organization (such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters), schools, or from counseling agencies. Parents or guardians cannot refer the youth to Camp Little Buffalo.
There is no cost to the youth or to his/her family to attend Camp Little Buffalo, however, there are a limited number of openings each year. The youth must be between the ages of 11 and 13, live in the former Peace Country Health Region, and be able to physically participate in all of the below noted outdoor activities.
Camp Activities
Camp Little Buffalo offers a variety of programs and activities such as:
- Sports
- Hiking
- Crafts
- Police Dog Presentations
- Technical Search and Rescue Presentations
- Archery
- Swimming
- Information Sessions on self-esteem and other character-building attributes.
Camp Mentors
Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police serve as the mentors at Camp, with the goal of helping youth to develop a positive relationship with police.
The Grande Prairie RCMP Detachment are available for a variety of requests, such as:
- Presentations in schools
- Presentations to community groups/businesses
- Red Serge Duties (ie. Remembrance Day Ceremonies)
- Participation in Parades
Please note that any request must be made at least two weeks in advance and is subject to RCMP availability.
Should you have a request, please have the following information ready:
- Type of request (tour, presentation, etc..)
- If it is a presentation you are wanting, have a topic in mind and the number of presentations required
- Date/Time/Location of event
- Number of people involved and approximate age of audience (ie 5-7 year olds)
- Any other information that may be pertinent
Mountain Bike Unit
The Grande Prairie Mountain Bike Unit consists of members of the RCMP working in partners to patrol throughout the City of Grande Prairie from May until September. Their primary duties are to enforce Provincial Statutes, Federal Statutes, and Criminal Code offences.
The Mountain Bike Unit enables the RCMP members to be highly visible and to access areas which may be impractical for police vehicles.
Foot Patrol
Foot Patrol is a program in which uniformed members of the Grande Prairie RCMP take a proactive approach to policing in the downtown core and other specified areas of Grande Prairie.
Foot Patrol also attends concerts, parades, and special events such as the Street Performers Festival.
Crime Stoppers offers an anonymous tip line that you can call if you believe you have information related to a crime.